In celebration of Facebook NYC's new Partner Center, a launch party was hosted by Facebook’s VP of Global Business Marketing to welcome staff into the space for the first time.
Tasked with developing the overall theme and creative direction of the event, I worked with members of Facebook’s Partner Center marketing team to bring to life an elegant affair to be remembered. My designs were a tribute to the early 1900s Art Deco look of the 225 Park Ave South building, as well as some of Manhattan's iconic skyscrapers, creating a chic design that incorporates Facebook's brand elements.
Above is a mood board I provided in the initial phase of this project. My stakeholder and I discussed exploring designs inspired by early 20th-century aesthetics that felt like old New York City.
Below feature a few concepts from my first drafts of the save the date, leaning into a few different approaches based on the inspiration above. We moved forward with the design direction that allowed us to incorporate more of Facebook's brand elements such as color and shapes.